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Moose Jaw Skating Club Board of Directors

2023-24 Board of Directors

Board Position Board Member Contact
 President Karla Handley
Vice President Carime Molde
Secretary Michelle Ferland
Treasurer Danielle Sicinski
Director Tracey Ferguson
Director Erin Woodrow
Director Torrylee Molsberry
Director Danica Durrant
Director Bernie McCullouch
Director Sarah Reindeau

MJSC Annual General Meeting Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 11, 2022 7:00 pm


Kristie Payne, Shelley Cridland, Bree Campbell, Angie Ward, Kimber Bader, Tracey Fergusson, Olivia Weber, Carime Molde, Danielle Sicinski, Selina Muir, Earl Swlam, Aaron Barth, Michelle Ferland, Melanie Durrant, Rob Aitken, Sherrie Wiebe, Karla Terry

AGM Business

  1. Review of Notice of Meeting & Agenda: Shelly read the notice and the agenda.
  2. April 21, 2021 AGM meeting minutes reviewed. MOTION: Selina motioned to accept the April 21, 2021 AGM minutes as presented. 2nd by Danielle. All in favour. Carried.
  3. Secretary: Review of motions from the 2021/22 season. MOTION: Earl motioned to accept the Secretaries report and motions with the following 2 changes; the date of the previous AGM was April 21, 2021 (not 2022) and the cost of purchasing the PESOS skate bank was $600 (not $500). 2nd by Carime. All in favour. Carried.
  4. Treasurer: Kristie presented the treasurer’s report for the 2021/2022 season. MOTION: Tracey motioned to accept the treasurer’s report for the 2020/2021 season with only adjustment, the total assets were $2, 824.58 (not $28, 8240.58). 2nd by Angela. All in favour. Carried.
  5. Other Position Reports:
    1. President: Shelley Cridland presented the president’s report for the 2021/22 season.
    2. Vice President: Angie Ward presented the vice president’s report for the 2021/22 season.
    3. Fundraising Report: Selina Muir presented the fundraising report for the 2021/22 season.
    4. Publicity Report: Carime Molde presented the publicity report for the 2021/22 season.
    5. Ice Coordinator Report: Tracey Fergusson presented the ice coordinator report for the 2021/22 season.
    6. Coach Liaison Report: Sherrie Wiebe presented the director of skating report for the 2021/22 season.
    7. Special Events Report: Danielle Sicinski presented the special event report for the 2021/22 season.
    8. Test Chair Report: Olivia Weber presented the test chair report for the 2021/22 season.
    9. Registration Report: Angela Deans presented the registration report for the 2021/22 season.
    10. MOTION: Kristie motioned to accept the position report’s for the 2020/21 season. 2nd by Olivia. All in favour. Carried.
  6. Review Nominations and appoint Executive and Director Positions:
    1. Carime Molde nominated Michelle Ferland for a 1-year director position.
    2. Selina Muir nominated Melanie Durrant for a 1-year director position.
    3. Karla Terry nominated Shelley Cridland for a 2-year chairperson position.
    4. Shelley Cridland nominated Karla Terry for a 2-year vice-chairperson position.
    5. Carime Molde nominated Tracey Furgusson for a 2-year director position.
    6. Karla Terry nominated Carime Molde for a 2-year director position.
    7. Kristie Payne nominated Selina Muir for a 2-year director position.
    8. All positions were acclaimed as there were only 1 person nominated for each position.
  7. New Business:
    1. Constitution. MJSC Constitution was updated in 2022 by Shelley Cridland using the new Skate Saskatchewan template.
    2. Provincial AGM. The provincial AGM will be held in Regina on May 7, 2022.
    3. Regional Meeting. Shelley attended the Regional meeting on April 4, 2022.
    4. MJSC Annual Awards Program. THe 1st annual award program will be held at the Mosaic Curling Lounge on April 29, 2022 at 6:00 pm. MOTION: Angela motioned to have the club pay for $150 to cover the cost of the room. 2nd by Kristie. All in favour. Carried.
  8. Closing Remarks
  9. Meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm
  10. Other business:
    1. Ice Chair (Tracey):
      1. Tracey attended a user meeting with the City of MJ. MJ Minor Hockey was the only other user group in attendance. It is looking positive for the city to have ice starting as early as July 15, 2022. The City is asking for a commitment of 25 hours each month from all user groups all together.
      2. Discussion. CanSkate could run 2 weeks (4 days x 45 min), CanPower could run afterwards (4 days x 45 min) for initiation and U9 groups.
      3. Shelley will send out a survey to StarSkaters to see who is interested in utilizing summer/fall ice.
    2. 2022/23 Competition Schedule
      1. Sask Skate - not announced at Regional meeting
      2. Junior/Senior Sectionals: to be held in Manitoba November 4-6, 2022
      3. Pre-Juv-Novice Sectionals and Winter Games run offs: December 9-11, 2022
      4. Winter Classic: March 3-5, 2023

Next meeting: Wednesday, April 25, 2022 at 7:00 pm at SIAST room 4.129


MJSC Club #: 1000213